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Statlearn'11 : Workshop on «Challenging problems in Statistical Learning»
17 mars 2011 ... 18 mars 2011
The workshop on "Challenging problems in Statistical Learning" was held in Grenoble. This workshop aims to summarize the new and future problems in statistical learning and to give a good idea of what already exists for dealing with these problems.
This events is organized by: Charles Bouveyron (University Paris 1, SAMM), Florence Forbes (INRIA, LJK, team mistis), Stéphane Girard (INRIA, LJK, team mistis)
with the support of:
the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, INRIA Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes, Laboratoire Jean-Kuntzmann and the Statistics and Image group of the Société Française de Statistique.
10 vidéos trouvées dans ce thème