This course provides an overview of the key techniques for the visual analysis of data, covering the rendering basics as well as the must-know methods for interactive data manipulation. A special emphasis is given to topological methods, given their ability to robustly extract structural patterns hidden in data. A brief tour of Topological Data Analysis and Visualization is given, covering the notions of persistence diagrams, Reeb graphs and Morse-Smale complexes. Applications to concrete use cases (in fluid dynamics, medical imaging, chemsitry, climate modeling) is presented. This talk is illustrated with results produced with the "Topology ToolKit" (TTK), an open-source library (BSD license) that we develop with collaborators to showcase our research. Tutorials for re-producing these experiments are available on the TTK website:
- Eric Blayo
- June 28, 2023, 11:03 a.m.
- Learning resources
- French