Creative Commons license Show me your network, I’ll tell you who you are

Dec. 11, 2014
Duration: 00:55:47
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Éric Fleury / LIG

Although community detection has drawn tremendous amount of attention across the sciences in the past decades, no formal consensus has been reached on the very nature of what qualifies a community as such. In this talk we take an orthogonal approach by introducing a novel point of view to the problem of overlapping communities. Instead of quantifying the quality of a set of communities, we choose to focus on the intrinsic community-ness of one given set of nodes. To do so, we propose a general metric on graphs, the cohesion, based on counting triangles and inspired by well established sociological considerations. We applied the cohesion metric to social networks. Social Network Analysis has often focused on the structure of the network without taking into account the characteristics of the individual involved. In this work, we aim at identifying how individual differences in psychological traits affect the community structure of social networks. Instead of choosing to study only either structural or psychological properties of an individul, our aim is to exhibit in which way the psychological attributes of interacting individuals impacts the social network topology.

Tags: keynote lig


  • Added by: Gricad Vidéos
  • Updated on: Jan. 1, 2021, midnight
  • Channel:
  • Type: Conferences
  • Main language: French
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