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Laboratoires.Ecoles, Collège et Formation doctorales 

Stratégie. Séminaires, colloques. Sciences et société

Réseaux et pôles d'excellence. Investissements d'avenir (Labex)

Licence Creative Commons Components based systems with probabilities

10 juillet 2013
Durée : 01:19:13
Nombre de vues 2
Nombre d’ajouts dans une liste de lecture 0
Nombre de favoris 0

Doron Peled / PERSYVAL-Lab


In the design of reliable complicated systems, one can benefit from a high level formalism that is close enough to the specification, and, on the other hand, automatically and efficiently translatable into the physical layer. Component-based systems can represent a collection of units working together, with an emphasis on the interactions, choices and concurrency among their actions. Adding the ability of making probabilistic choices in component-based systems is nontrivial since each component has its own view, which is partial to the global view of the entire system; maintaining a global view would just eliminate the concurrency. A solution for that is to precede each probabilistic choice by a phase where the local view of a component is locked in order to prepare for such a decision. In this lecture, I would present the mathematical concepts related to concurrent probabilistic systems, based on Markov Decision Processes. Then, a solution based on concurrent artifacts such as independence and confusion will be given. A simple and elegant implementation of component-based systems with probabilistic choices, using semaphores, will be described.


Mots clés : persyval-lab


  • Ajouté par : Gricad Vidéos
  • Mis à jour le : 1 janvier 2021 00:00
  • Chaîne :
  • Type : Conférences
  • Langue principale : Français
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