TNT, The New Tomorrow - Episode: Autonomous cars at ZOOX

26 janvier 2022
Durée : 00:11:57
Nombre de vues 9
Nombre d’ajouts dans une liste de lecture 0
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Ilaria Nissotti-Revel's assignment for the English Bilingual Course 2021/22

Podcast title: TNT, The New Tomorrow

Episode 1 title: Autonomous cars at Zoox

Description: In this episode, I invited Giacomo Taylor to come and answer some questions about the company he works at. He works at ZOOX, a company creating autonomous cars. However, the cars they build are different than other companies... find out why in this episode! I also talk about the difference between humans drivers and self-driving cars when it comes to safety risks. I hope you enjoy!

Anchor link:

Spotify link:

Mots clés : autonomous cars bilingual course l2 2021/22 english interview podcast self-driving cars zoox



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